Request Materials
Ask a Librarian
Request Materials By Phone 781 235-1610 x1117 or x1118
Ask the librarian a question via email or please visit our Ask a Librarian form.
Already waiting for an item or want to see if you can hold an item? Click here for more information.
Request an Article
Librarians will send you an electronic copy of an article. This can take between a few days to two weeks on average. Please provide as complete a citation as possible.
Request a Book, CD, or DVD
Librarians will place a book, CD or DVD on the hold shelf for pickup or request a book from another Minuteman library.
Request an Interlibrary Loan
Librarians will place a request for materials from a library outside the Minuteman Network (usually from a college library). The material requested must be at least 1 year old.
Commonwealth Catalog
The Commonwealth Catalog extends your search beyond your local library’s resources. In one easy step, you can search through millions of items at participating libraries across Massachusetts to find the books, DVDs, and music you’re looking for. Make a request and it will be delivered right to your local library for quick pickup. You know what you want — let the Commonwealth Catalog help you get it.