Summer Schedule (July 1st – September 1st)
Main Branch – Closed on Sundays; Hills & Fells Branches – Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays

Use of the Wellesley Free Library Name or Logo Policy

The name of the Wellesley Free Library and its logo are the most recognizable components of the institution’s visual identity. Neither may be altered or modified in any way without the consent of the Library Board of Trustees or their designees.

Use of the Wellesley Free Library name to promote, advertise or otherwise suggest a relationship between the Library and an individual or commercial entity is prohibited unless the Board has given written approval of such use. 

Commercial entities may not publicly acknowledge gifts and contributions to the Wellesley Free Library in commercial or promotional pieces without written approval of the Board. 

Use of the Wellesley Free Library logo is prohibited without the express written permission of the Board.  Written permission shall include usage guideline requirements.

Neither the name nor the logo of the Wellesley Free Library may be used in any way that mischaracterizes the relationship of the user and the Library.

Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the director and/or board of library trustees.

Approved 11/14/2016 by the WFL Board of Trustees