Summer Schedule (July 1st – September 1st)
Main Branch – Closed on Sundays; Hills & Fells Branches – Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays

Unattended Children

Parents and caregivers are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children when they are on Library property, including when attending Library programs. The Library does not act in loco parentis and therefore is not responsible for the care, safety or supervision of children of any age, including unattended children, at any time.

A parent or caregiver must make a determination about whether a child can be left unattended for any length of time in the Library. Parents/caregivers should not leave any child unattended unless the child is mature enough to comply with Library rules and regulations and leave the Library on their own. 

When a child who is otherwise too young to be left alone attends a program that does not require parent/caregiver participation, at the discretion of the person leading the program, a parent or caregiver may leave the room during the program, but the parent/caregiver must remain in the Library at all times and rejoin the child immediately following the program.

If the Library is aware that an unattended child has suffered an illness or injury while in the Library and requires assistance, the Library will contact a parent/caregiver or the Wellesley Police Department or other first responder.

If a child violates Library rules and regulations, the Library will address the issue with a parent or caregiver if available. If no parent/caregiver is available, the Library will ask the child to leave the premises or contact the Wellesley Police Department.

All patrons, including children, must leave the building at closing time or if the Library is required to close unexpectedly. Under no circumstances will Library Staff transport or assume responsibility for any children. If an unattended child cannot leave the Library unescorted, the Wellesley Police will be notified and be asked to take custody of the child.


Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the director and/or board of library trustees.

Approved 02/12/2024