Security Cameras



The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of digital security cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded images at the Wellesley Free Library (WFL).
Digital security cameras have been placed at selected locations in order to record visible activities within and outside of the Library, so that after an incident that requires follow-up occurs, footage can be reviewed.

Real-time monitoring of security footage will not occur.

Cameras will not be installed for the purpose of monitoring staff performance.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Camera placement shall be determined by the Library Director or designee. Cameras shall not be placed in restrooms.

Cameras are not positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing or listening activities. However, to the extent that any recorded images include identifiable information including titles of items, written information, information found while using the computer, such record shall be treated as confidential as provided under Massachusetts General Law.

Public Notice

Signage shall be displayed at public entrances of the Library advising of the recording of digital images.

Data Storage

Cameras will record activities in real time and images will be saved to the camera server’s hard drive. Current software deletes images automatically as the capacity of the hard drive is reached.

Digital images will not be maintained, provided no criminal activity or policy violation has occurred or is being investigated. Digital records and still photographs may be used by authorized individuals to identify those responsible for library policy violations, criminal activity on library property or actions considered disruptive to normal library operations as delineated in the Library’s Rules of Conduct Policy.

In situations involving trespassed patrons, stored still images may be shared with staff. Shared images may remain posted in restricted staff areas for the duration of the banning period. After the banning period ends, these images will be archived for a period up to 5 years.

Authority to Access Camera Data

The Library Director holds the authority to designate Library Staff members who may access recorded footage.

Access to recorded imagery is authorized to designated staff upon report of suspicious behavior, including policy violations, criminal activity, destruction or theft of library property or assets, or other activity that may be disruptive to library operations.

Emergency Responders Access to Real Time Camera Feeds

In the event of notification of an emergency situation at the Library, Wellesley Police, or other appropriate public safety/law enforcement authorities, are granted temporary access to the library’s live camera feed in order to coordinate the emergency response.

Public Disclosure

Confidentiality/privacy issues prohibit the general public from viewing security camera footage that contains patron information that is protected by Massachusetts General Law.

Notwithstanding the above, this policy may be subject to exception at the discretion of the Director and/or Board of Library Trustees.

Approved 12/11/2023