News for You

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Real news articles to help with learning to read, write, speak, and understand English.

PressReader offers 7000 daily newspapers and magazines from 120+ countries in 60 languages using a computer or mobile app.

News OneFile

Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields.

New York Times Historical (1851 – 2015)

Full text access to to the New York Times from 1851 to 2012 (Proquest Historical Newspapers).

  • Subject Area(s):
  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Middle School in Context

Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more.


Provides subject access to the Wellesley Townsman from August 2005 to date as well as a variety of news magazines and websites.

Wellesley Townsman Archives 1906 – 2005

The archives of the Wellesley Townsman Newspaper 1906-2005.

Wellesley Townsman 2005 – Present

Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from current and archived issues of Wellesley Townsman from August 2005 to date.

U.S. History in Context

Uncover information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in U.S. history from a variety of sources.

High School Edition OneFile

Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference on a range of topics. Best for middle- and high-school students.

New York Times (1985 – Present)

Provides full-text access to the New York Times from January 1, 1985 to the present.

Home Improvement OneFile

Search home improvement topics such as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and more.

General OneFile

Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research.

Academic OneFile Select

Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Ideal for smaller academic libraries.

Britannica Library

Britannica Library is an award winning resource for Children and Adults. Easy to use, and easy to find trusted information.

Boston Globe (1980 – Current)

Provides full text access to The Boston Globe – 1980-current.

Academic OneFile

Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Best for academic research.