Comics Plus- Teen Library

Comics Plus, powered by LibraryPass, is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga to readers through school, public, and academic libraries. You can access titles using a smartphone, tablet, or web browser, and all titles can be downloaded to multiple devices. There is never a wait to read, as all titles have unlimited access allowing for simultaneous use.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Comics Plus- Full Collection

Comics Plus, powered by LibraryPass, is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels and manga to readers through school, public, and academic libraries.  You can access titles using a smartphone, tablet, or web browser, and can be downloaded to multiple devices. There is never a wait to read, all titles are unlimited access simultaneous use.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Science (Gale Interactive)

Science comes to life as you zoom, rotate, and explore interactive 3D models. View related reference articles and search Gale content.

Peterson’s Test Prep

Find all the tools you need to discover your passion, ace your exams, and excel in your career.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Free driver education program including: 14 car practice tests, 9 motorcycle practice tests,  27 CDL (commercial driver’s license) practice tests,  3 online driver’s manuals.

A to Z the USA

Information about U.S. states and territories covering the fields of culture, travel, language, trade and business.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Middle School in Context

Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more.

PowerKnowledge Earth and Space Science

PowerKnowledge Earth and Space Science offers research, report and homework help in earth and space science for grades 3–8.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

PowerKnowledge Physical Science

PowerKnowledge Physical Science offers research, report and homework help in physical science for grades 3–8.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

World History in Context

Uncover information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in world history from a variety of sources.

U.S. History in Context

Uncover information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in U.S. history from a variety of sources.

High School Edition OneFile

Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference on a range of topics. Best for middle- and high-school students.

Salem Press Online

Includes a wealth of titles on literature, history, science and health.  Great for homework help and research papers, some popular series include critical insights on well-known authors and their works, great events in history, principles of science and medical guides.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

PowerKnowledge Life Science

PowerKnowledge Life Science offers research, report and homework help in life science for grades 3-8.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed


Find new and similar fiction authors and titles.  NoveList contains materials for all ages including picture books, children’s “chapter” books, young adult titles and books for adult readers. Updated quarterly.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Mango Languages

Mango is designed to equip you with conversational abilities from the very start. Whether you’re learning how to order a pizza or ask when the game starts, Mango immerses you in real, everyday conversations in 60 different language courses and ESL instruction.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed


JSTOR is a digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and primary sources.


Use hoopla to borrow digital video, music and audiobooks with your library card. No waiting to borrow and hoopla digital’s automatic return eliminates all late fees. To get started, simply create an account with your library card number.

Health and Wellness

Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices.

Global Issues in Context

Analyze important global issues and events through topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.

Academic OneFile Select

Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Ideal for smaller academic libraries.

Environmental Studies and Policy OneFile

Investigate environmental issues with diverse perspectives from the scientific community, policymakers, and corporate interests.

Environmental Issues (Encyclopedia of)

Topics include endangered animal species, air pollution, national parks, environmental legislation, oil spills, alternative energy sources, and global climate change and more.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed

Science in Context

Understand context for hundreds of science topics through overviews, journals, news, interactive experiments, and more.

Britannica Escolar

Access to two Spanish language encyclopedias, one for ages 6-12 and another for the high school and college ages

Britannica School

Elementary, Middle and High School levels, plus read-aloud at all levels and translation for over 50 languages.

Britannica Library

Britannica Library is an award winning resource for Children and Adults. Easy to use, and easy to find trusted information.

Biography in Context

Includes 600,000+ biographies with photos and links to current research on the world’s most influential people.

Academic OneFile

Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Best for academic research.

A to Z Maps Online

4000+ world maps including political, physical, population, climate and other thematic maps.  New maps are added to the collection every month.

  • Access Notes: Library Card Needed