Edible Book Festival 2025

What Is the Edible Book Festival?
Around April 1st, bibliophiles, book artists, and food lovers around the world gather to celebrate the book arts and the (literal!) ingestion of culture. Participants create an “edible book,” which can be inspired by (or a pun on) a favorite tale, title, or poem, or simply be in the shape of a book (or scroll, or tablet, etc). All entries will be exhibited, documented, then EATEN!
No pre-registration required! Get creative, or just join us to taste test this year’s entries.
Entry Requirements
- Each entry should be inspired by a literary work (fiction or nonfiction) or a literary character, such as recreating a book cover, creating a diorama of a scene, etc. Puns on titles are especially encouraged!
- Entries must be mostly edible (occasional non-edible props permitted) and able to display without refrigeration.
- If creating more than one submission, please choose one entry for judging and indicate your choice by marking “judged” or “non-judged” in the Literary Inspiration field of the form. Both judged and non-judged entries will be eligible for the People’s Choice popular vote. You do not need to be present at the judging to win!
- In order to give all submissions a fair chance to place, each entry will be eligible for all categories, but can only win 1 category.
- Your inspiration can come from any published work, regardless of its presence in the Wellesley Free Library’s collection.
Festival Award Categories
Starting to think about your edible creation for this year’s festival? Consider submitting your entry to one or more of these categories! Prizes will be awarded in six categories:
- Best Kid Creation (must be fully made by ages 12 and under)
- Best Visual Presentation
- Funniest/Punniest
- Best Entry Based on Book for Children or Teens
- Best Collaborative Creation (groups of 2 or more)
- People’s Choice
Who Can Participate?
Whether you’re a professional chef or just like to play with your food, the festival is open to anyone in the Wellesley Free Library community. If you don’t have time to make your own edible entry, join us in voting on your favorite and applauding the winners!
For inspiration, take a look at entries from past years across the country in the gallery below.

Thank you to our supporters for providing judges, prizes, and more:
The Wellesley Foundation
Lockheart Restaurant