Current Art Exhibits
March 2025
James E. Mahoney Foyer
Leaves Alone
Leaves often serve as a backdrop to our surroundings. Seen only in the background we sometimes miss their mesmerizing individual characteristics and inherent beauty. Whether leaves are fuzzy, waxy, smooth or saw-toothed, emerald green, sunshine yellow or brilliant red, tiny or enormous, ornamental or functional, they serve as food producers, photo synthesizers, beautifiers and air cleaners.
When viewing leaves, one can see the magic of the natural world up close. There are pathways that allow water to transverse. There is something akin to dance and movement in the design of their leaves. If one loves the beauty of a sunset, one can find the colors and tones in leaves as they prepare to drop. If one loves symmetry or variations of symmetry, one can also find this in the beauty of a group of leaves. If one is interested in how patterns repeat in nature, look at a leaf and see the same pattern repeated in human veins.
Presented in this exhibit, Leaves Alone, is a modest sampling of the thousands of species of plants and trees that inhabit our planet. Monocots or dicots, deciduous or evergreen, leaves are distinctive beings which add beauty, food and productivity to our planet.
Leann Shamash- February, 2025
Wakelin Room
(Starting March 8.)
An artist as well as a psychiatrist, Dr. Senger found common ground in the two fields: both relying on perceptive observation, the finding of essence, and effective communication between people.
Professional associations
American Watercolor Society, New York, NY signature member
New England Watercolor Society, Boston, MA board of directors
Guild of Boston Artists, Boston, MA Copley Society, Boston, MA
Copley Master
North Shore Art Association, Gloucester, MA Rockport Art Association, Rockport, MA Wellesley Society of Artists, Wellesley, MA president
Other places of exhibition National Academy of Design Watercolor U.S.A.
Sheldon Art Museum Boston Symphony Hall Boston City Hall Decordova Museum University of Puget Sound Harvard Medical School
Harvard University health services
Notable awards
New England Watercolor Society gold medal
Copley Society of Boston
North Shore Art Association Rockport Art Association
Outstanding Work On Paper Award Of Excellence
Copley Award
Outstanding Work On Paper Excellence In Watercolor
Most Imaginative Interpretation Best Landscape
Popular Award ,;
Lucky U Display Case
Aesop’s Fables by Nancy Schon
Nancy Schon is a Boston-based sculptor, celebrated for her warm and evocative representation of human and animal figures. Her work, characterized by a profound sense of empathy and detail, captures the essence of her subjects — making them relatable and endearing to viewers of all ages. She is best known for her iconic Make Way for Ducklings sculpture in the Boston Public Garden, which brings to life the beloved characters from Robert McCloskey’s classic children’s book. This charming installation has become a cherished landmark, delighting generations of visitors with its playful depiction of a mother duck leading her ducklings.
Schon’s Aesop’s Fables sculptures are a masterful series inspired, of course, by the ancient, previously enslaved Greek storyteller, Aesop. With a collection of twenty-four sculptures, each piece corresponds to one of the twenty-four letters in the Greek alphabet, creating a symbolic link to the origins of these timeless tales. Schon’s imaginative approach not only pays homage to the cultural heritage of Aesop’s fables, but also serves as a tribute to the universality and enduring relevance of these stories. Learn more about Nancy Schon and her work at
Commons Area Entry Display Cases
Historical Photographs of Hunnewell and Hardy Schools by the Wellesley Historical Society
The Wellesley Historical Society proudly houses an extensive collection of over 35,000 historic photographs and negatives, offering a rich visual archive that chronicles the town’s vibrant history. This invaluable collection serves as a window into the past, capturing the people, places, architecture, events, organizations, and countless other aspects that have shaped Wellesley’s unique identity over the years.
Each photograph and negative in the collection is a piece of the larger mosaic that tells the story of Wellesley, preserving the town’s heritage for future generations. The Society’s dedication to maintaining and expanding this archive ensures that Wellesley’s rich history remains accessible and relevant, allowing both locals and visitors to connect with the town’s legacy in a deeply meaningful way. Learn more about the Wellesley Historical Society and its collection at
Learn more about the history of Wellesley Elementary schools at!
Commons Area Interior Display Cases
A Place To Sit – Mindfulness Reminder Cards – by Tom Gilligan
I am 68 years old as I write this, and I have meditated off and on for much of my adult life. Early in 2024, I was fortunate to be introduced to the Theravada Buddhist tradition and Insight Meditation(Vipassana). As I read more books and listened to guiding teachers, I began to document short sayings that helped me understand mindfulness and the practice of meditation in a new way. I printed these sayings on post cards and would rotate them on a small easel on my desk at home. They became a part of my daily practice.
These are my mindfulness reminder cards. I hope you enjoy them.
Tom Gilligan
1. The Magnanimous Heart by Narayan Helen Liebenson
2. Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
3. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana
4. A Still Forest Pool; The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah
Compiled by Jack Kornfield and Paul Breiter
5. The Issue at Hand by Gil Fronsdal